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Been a long time

A move abroad can mess with priorities. So it is with this blog. It's going on half a year without an entry. But I hope to get back to it now and make it, among the strange and sundry things it was before, now also a chronicle of experiences and observations about our new home in Manila, Philippines—somewhat as different from Bavaria, Germany as you can get. Here's a place of stunning contrasts, inexplicable absurdities, ugliness and beauty, hours of teeth-grinding frustration, moments of wonder and joy. So clear your eyes and gird your loins, here goes...


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A threat worth quoting

(Said with passion in a Zoom meeting with friends; attributed to Joe Matthews and/or Frank Lawler): "I'm gonna kill you for the rest of...

First things first

Here's a few key things to know about Manila proper. One, it's hot. Not always, but generally. The heat outdoors can be sweltering under...

Short Attention Sp

Why does someone start a blog like this? It's not that there's a certain topic in which I have expertise and with which I feel I should...



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© 2023 Adam M. Steinberg / dba Squeaky Toy Music. All rights reserved. 

All lyrics, music and other writing by Adam Steinberg unless otherwise noted.

See Terms page for bibliography of images.

Site alternate title: Songs that Speak


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